TGA Project 7: “Streamer attacked by ALIENS”

  • Genre: FPS Zombie-Survival
  • Engine: TEMP Engine(Custom in-house engine)


In this project, I continued to expand and enhance the TEMP Engine, our custom in-house engine, to create a FPS Zombie-Survival game with advanced rendering techniques and optimized performance.

My key contributions to the project included:

  • Architecting and implementing a robust component system to facilitate modular game object composition
  • Developing a scene serialization system to efficiently save and load game states
  • Implementing a well-threaded Direct3D 12 renderer to leverage modern GPU capabilities and improve rendering performance
  • Creating a threaded resource streaming system to optimize memory usage and loading times
  • Implementing static global illumination to enhance the visual quality and realism of the game world
  • Developing a signed distance field (SDF) text and glyph rendering system for crisp and efficient UI rendering
